Why Don’t More People Switch To Plant-Based Alternatives To Meat and Dairy?

It seems obvious that moving toward a diet that is mostly composed of plants would be good for the environment, the climate, food security, public health, and animal welfare. The existing US food system appears to conceal its feedlots and factories, production practices that support bacterial growth, a third of the world’s GHS emissions, and ecosystem degradation. Why don’t more meat eaters switch to veggie burgers and other nutritious, eye-catching, and delectable plant-based food options? Swapping meat for plant-based food sounds like a straightforward approach to achieve many food goals.

According to a recent meta-review in Future Foods , what do we know about the differences between a plant-based and an animal-based diet?

Consuming plant proteins also lowers mortality and the chance of developing cardiovascular disease. Consuming red and processed meat increases your risk of developing a number of serious chronic diseases. Plant-based burgers were linked to up to 98% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than cow burgers. Pea protein might replace 5% of the beef consumed in Germany, resulting in a yearly CO2 reduction of up to 8 million tons. According to estimates, animal agriculture uses 225 times more natural resources than plant agriculture, while ruminant animals like cattle use 20100 times more. In general, compared to animal products, plant-based foods utilize less water, less agricultural area, and produce less pollution. It is commonly acknowledged that severe, pervasive, and possibly unethical animal suffering occurs in factory farming. George Monbiot, an ecologist and journalist, told the New York Times that animal farming is where we acquire the majority of the protein and fat in our diets. And of all the sectors on Earth, animal farming is arguably the most harmful. The industry as a whole, he continued, is the main driver of habitat damage, species loss and extinction, land use, soil degradation, water use, and one of the main contributors to climate change.

Over the past few years, a number of popular culture texts have shed light on the advantages of a plant-based diet.

The Game Changers documentary featured professional athletes, special operations soldiers, forward-thinking researchers, cultural celebrities, and everyday heroes to change how people view food and nutritional sources. The Food, Inc. documentary looked into how corporate agriculture has taken over all facets of the US food industry, resulting in agribusiness producing food that is unhealthy, detrimental to the environment, and cruel to both animals and workers. Fraziers, Matt The Plant-Based Athlete non-fiction book , which includes interviews with professional athletes who have switched from eating meat to plants, makes the connection between a plant-based diet and peak athletic performance. The most thorough study ever done on health and nutrition is T. Colin Campbell’s famous China Study, which emphasizes the advantages of a plant-based diet. Scientists and food visionaries have been working on plant-based replacements to meat that are high in protein for decades. Over the past few years, plant-based food adoption, which once looked to be growing extremely slowly, has increased rapidly. This is partially due to the fact that they were carefully created to mimic the flavor, texture, and overall eating experience of animal products.

Currently, popular plant-based substitutes from companies like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods may be found on menus at restaurants around the nation. Companies like ZENB are giving even traditional favorites like pasta dinners a makeover. Their new spaghetti and pasta products are pea-based and gluten-free, enhancing keto and diet-conscious consumers to think about incorporating more plant-based options when they visit the neighborhood grocery store.

The introduction of several plant-based options to the market is unquestionably a step in the right direction. But it is undoubtedly just the beginning.

According to Dan Blaustein-Rejto, director of food and agriculture at the Breakthrough Institute , there isn’t much proof that plant-based meat substitutes are now replacing traditional meat. By 2030, there will be a projected 14% rise in meat consumption worldwide. There is, nevertheless, some hope. Blaustein-Rejto argues that a just 10% decrease in the price of plant-based substitutes would result in a slight increase in the substitution of meat and dairy.

Beef consumption from plants would rise by 23%. Just 49,000 additional cattle, or 0.15%, less would be produced in the US. An estimated 34,000 cattle heads less would be produced globally. The economic well-being of US cattle producers, or the prosperity of all cattle producers in the US, would decrease by around $300 million, or 0.6% of the average cattle revenue in previous years. The benefits to all US consumers, or US consumer welfare, would rise by around $513 million, or 0.45% of the average annual beef spending in recent years. Vegan chefs, dietitians, scientists, and climate activists are among those urging people to replace items containing animal products in their diets with plant-based foods in an effort to decrease the demand for meat and dairy. But convincing lifelong meat aficionados to give up their preferred medium rare cuts has proven challenging, and altering the eating patterns of millions of people has proven challenging.

What did the Future Food study reveal about those who are substituting dairy for meat?

Nearly 90% of customers who consume vegan dairy and meat do so because they eat meat or are flexitarians. It’s a beginning. On the other hand, the majority of Americans use plant-based meats as an additional source of protein rather than as a straight substitute for meat. Sales of plant-based meat rose by 19% in Europe in 2021, which may be a result of increasing meat prices or an increased willingness on the part of Europeans, who generally consume far less beef than Americans, to test plant-based alternatives. Plant-based meat and dairy products can benefit those with particular medical conditions by promoting muscle growth and weight loss. The best alternatives to meat are plant-based goods that resemble processed meat in terms of flavor, texture, and cost. Emily Cassidy, a research associate at the World Resources Institutes Food Program, told Future Foods 0 that one of the main goals of plant-based meat is to replace cattle. Beef is the major source of agricultural emissions, and it needs to be addressed.

Consumers in the US who have tried plant-based burgers or other meat substitutes comprise 71%. According to Monbiot, replacing the milk, meat, and eventually even the eggs we consume will significantly reduce the strain on the world. It might also create a completely new type of cuisine that we are currently unable to even envisage. In the same way that the first farmers to catch a wild cow weren’t considering Camembert.

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